Thursday, June 13, 2013

Im Song Soeum Obituary

March 20, 1972

The Singer Im Song Soeum has died of cancer

Mr. Im Song Soeum, a famous Khmer singer, died at his home in Battambong on March 16, 1972 around 5:30 PM.  He was only 29. He was a son of Mr. Im San and Mrs. Thun Loeun of Kompong Preas, Srok Songkae (Battambang).

Mr. Im Song Soeum was a former third-year student at the Preas Monyvong Univerity in Battambang. He won first place at a singing contest in Battambang while he was still attending school.

Subsequently the committee had asked him to  join the Khmer National Band.

After the incident of March 18, 1970, Mr. Im Song Soeum enlisted in the military.

The last few records that he had recorded before his death was: Ovpoke Knom, Phnom Pich Nil, Komlos Kromom Huer Ha and Jum Merl Te Plov. He died of pancreatic cancer.